Our hope is to help you access multiple topics that are relevant to your life! 


Understanding the Temple Endowment: 

The temple endowment is one of the most beautiful, powerful, and misunderstood gifts of the gospel. In this class we will study the covenants, symbolism, and promises connected to the endowment. The conversations are designed for both endowed and unendowed students. 

Emotional Resilience With 

Faith & Psychology

Come learn powerful tools for better emotional resilience and mental health from the gospel of Jesus Christ combined with the most effective approaches from the world of psychology. 

Connecting with Jesus 

Through the Book of Mormon

This is a Christ-centered course that explores some of the major themes and doctrines in the Book of Mormon. Rather than a sequential study, it will take a topical approach.

Search for Truth & Find 

Answers to My Questions 

The Lord gave a pattern for increasing faith and finding answers to our questions in D&C 88. Bring your questions, and we will dive into the words of prophets, scriptures, history, science, and any other source we can find to find truth! 

Building a Christlike Marriage

Call it date night and come learn how you can bring Christ into your marriage!


With over 20 years of experience, Bro. Coder will teach the basics of Improvisational comedy.

no time for a class?

We've got you covered! We are starting our first ever PODCAST! Sign up for the podcast class to listen in to discussions about the gospel and get institute credit! Click the button below to find the us wherever you listen to podcasts!